Thursday, September 26, 2013

Open House 2013

Tonight was open house.  Open house reminds me a bit of a big holiday dinner.  You prepare and prepares some more and then all of sudden it is over!  Thank you to all the families who were able to come down and spend some time exploring the full day kindergarten class.  I even met some families who hope to get a spot in the full day class next year!  It was a pleasure to have our Title 1 teachers  Mrs. Whitehouse and Mrs. Blauss spend time meeting families tonight.  These dedicated educators work in our classroom on a daily basis in order to best meet the needs of all the children in our class.

I also want to thank all the families for entrusting their children into this program.  I know that it takes  big leap of faith to send your young child into the larger public school community.  Please feel confident in the fact that I have been in your shoes and understand.  Your children are making friends, learning routines and feeling comfortable in their environment.  Our days are busy with stories, songs, movement, scientific thinking, social learning and mathematical thinking.  The kindergarten year is one of much growth.  Hold on the ride is just beginning.

I am so happy to be partnering with all the full day kindergarten families.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Welcome to the Full Day Kindergarten

Well the first two weeks of school have been a busy time.  Children are settling into our routines and learning classroom expectations.  They are successfully saying goodbye to their families and enjoying making new friends at school.  The day is filled with many opportunities to explore our classroom, materials, curriculum and the larger school community.  I often hear the question "Is it time to go home?" but when that time comes and we begin our end of the day routines the children are disappointed that the day is done!  This is good.  I want them to want to come back so we can continue to learn together.  It is my great honor to spend this year with your children.  I look forward to partnering with families as we go through this journey together.

Please enjoy this slideshow.  It will give you an idea of what the children have experienced over the past two weeks.

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